We accept these Payment Methods:
We provide the option to make payments through bank wire transfer ,Alipay, or Wechat payment for direct transactions on our site.
For smaller to moderately-sized transactions, we accept paypal payment.(For existing customers only)
If you prefer using a credit card, you can complete the payment through our marketplace listings on DHgate(+20%), or Aliexpress(+10%). Please be aware that the watch's price will be slightly higher on these platforms to account for associated fees.
Hi how to use PayPal?
AdministratorContact us to pay with PayPal<br />
Whatsapp: +852 6927 4437<br />
How to use PayPal?
AdministratorContact us to pay with PayPal<br /><br /><br />
Whatsapp: +852 6927 4437<br /><br /><br />
Hi, why can't I see a payment method in PAYPAL? I want to pay through PAYPAL only.. I would appreciate your response..
AdministratorContact us to pay with PayPal<br /><br />
Whatsapp: +852 6927 4437<br /><br />